Da hat wohl jemand Angst um sein Business. Auf der englischen Seite complaintsboard.com wird unsere Seite angeschwärzt. Angeblich kontaktieren wir ehrliche Verkäufer. Nachdem Sie sich auf unsere Anfrage gemeldet haben posten wir deren E-Mail-Adressen. Daraufhin verlangen wir 10 EUR von ihnen – um ihre E-Mail-Adressen wieder von unserer Seite zu löschen. Eine nette Story. Was sagt ihr dazu?
Hier ist der Original-Kommentar auf complainboard.com
I want to report this website: http://www.kamerabetrug.de
and this email thomas.landborg@gmail.com
He is trying to steal money from honest people..
he contacts people to buy their goods and after this
he posts their email addresses on his website . after this he contact the people to charge them with a tax of 10 EUR.
After this charge of 10 EUR will erase us from his database.
please shut down his website. there are a lot of people who pay this 10 EUR for nothing.
and this email thomas.landborg@gmail.com
He is trying to steal money from honest people..
he contacts people to buy their goods and after this
he posts their email addresses on his website . after this he contact the people to charge them with a tax of 10 EUR.
After this charge of 10 EUR will erase us from his database.
please shut down his website. there are a lot of people who pay this 10 EUR for nothing.