Samstag, 5. November 2011

Paypal-Betrug aus Schweden.

(Traurige) Premiere bei Kamerabetrug: Uns erreichte der erste Betrugsfall aus Schweden. Ein deutscher Verkäufer hat bei Kalaydo eine Nikon D200 angeboten. Der Käufer aus Schweden - Peter Ade Frank - war bereit 460 EUR für eine Nikon D200 + 17 EUR Versandkosten zuzahlen. Nachdem man sich einigte und eine Zahlungsbestätigungsmail von Paypal eintraf, wurde die Kamera vertragsgetreu gen Schweden versandt. Doch dann stellte sich heraus, dass die Paypal-Dokumente gefälscht waren. Also ging auch kein Geld auf dem deutschen Konto ein. Als dies der Verkäufer merkte, bat er DHL die Auslieferung in bzw. nach Schweden zu stoppen. Aber dies funktionierte nicht.
Ein interessanter Fall, den wir bisher so noch nicht bei hatten. Daher sollten potentielle Verkäufer Paypal-Dokumente möglichst genau prüfen - soweit dies überhaupt möglich ist.

In diesem Fall hieß der Verkäufer aus Göteborg/Schweden Peter Ade Frank. Der via Paypal angegebene Name ist Smith Dada und die zugehörige E-Mail ist

Dear XXX,

 You have an Instant Payment of €477.00 Eur from Smith Dada

This PayPal  Payment has been deducted from the buyer's account but
can not be credited into your account until the Shipment Information is
received from you E.G Tracking Number or a copy of the Shipment Receipt. 

You can now go and ship out the buyer's merchandise and send the
shipment information to us at Pay_palservicehelp@ 

Seller Protection - Eligible

Note to seller
Hi, I'm pleased to have bought the ITEM and have paid via PayPal  as  requested.
Regards,Smith Dada.
 Local Post Registered Airmail/DHL Express


Shipping Address - Confirmed 

Name: Peter Ade Frank
Address: Brittsommargatan 6
Country: SWEDEN
City: Goteborg
Zip code: 41522
Tel: +46764378907

Unit price
Nikon D200 Body
€477.00 Eur
€477.00 Eur

Issues with this transaction? 
You have 48 HRS from the date of the transaction to go ahead with the
Shipment Procedure. 

 Questions? Send an email to  Pay_palservicehelp@ 

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team  
                                                               PayPal, an company
                                           Copyright © 2010-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved

Dear XXX,

          This message is originated from PayPal company.We have received an order from our client "(Smith Dada)" regarding the payment made to your PayPal account.

The payment has been successfully made but due to security reason we have to receive the shipment tracking number before the next 24 hours for the processing of your order.

This a new measure we are taking to protect both our sellers and buyers against fraudulent customers.

Once you have shipped the item send us the shipment tracking number for verification after the number has verify your account will be credited instantly.This PayPal® payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED" but will not be credited to your account until the shipment reference/tracking number is sent to us for shipment verification so as to secure both the buyer and the seller. Below are the necessary information requested before your account will be credited. Send tracking number to us or email us through this mail Pay_palservicehelp@                                                   
                                                                 **PLEASE NOTE**
Once shipment has been verified  and the tracking number sent to us, You will receive a "CONFIRMATION Email"  from PayPal® informing you that the Money has been credited.

Note: PayPal  will be responsible for the item loss or damage once we receive the tracking number