Kurz und knapp warnen wir vor einer gewissen Sophia Taylor ( sophia9t@hotmail.com ), die als Larisa eine Nikon D2X für nur 480 EUR anbietet. Es ist fast immer die gleiche Masche: In den Kontaktdaten taucht nur ein Vorname auf, der jedoch keine Verbindung zur tatsächlichen E-Mail-Adresse aufweist. Dies sollte potentielle Interessenten misstrauisch stimmen.
Vielen Dank für das Zusenden der Infos, Kevin!
Von: Sophia Taylor <sophia9t@hotmail.com>
I'm really glad you are interested in my product. It used to belong to my husband , he gave it to me after the divorce and I have no use for it. I just want to get rid of it as soon as possible because i need the money in this days.I am a single mom with 2 small children so I think you can imagine that it's quite difficult.
I'm not really good at this stuff all I know is that it's working perfectly and never had problems.Never been damaged,dropped and has no dents or scratches.
After the divorce I moved back to my mother in Milano along with all my belongings .I cannot sell it in Italy because the specifications are different , and nobody wants to buy a product made in another country.
I'll ship it using an international service at no charge for you. The listed price is the real price.
Because I can't explain much about the item technical stuff I'll offer a 5 day's return option.
If you are serious about buying it, email me back so that I can explain how this will work.